Schools Increase Security Following Sandy Hook Tragedy

Community, Featured Stories

Fannin County Schools are tightening security today in the wake of Friday’s school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. On Friday December 15th, twenty-eight people were killed in Newtown, including 20 children, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and began shooting. Later, authorities found the shooter dead. Details are still unfolding. But, the horrific event has compelled local schools to take increased security measures.

FYN contacted Fannin County Superintendent Mark Henson to find out how our local schools are safer after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Henson confirmed that additional security measures have been taken and several other changes are in the works.

The superintendent said Sheriff’s deputies and Georgia State Patrol officers were stationed at schools today, as well as City of Blue Ridge officers at schools located within city limits. FYN confirmed two officers stationed under the cat walk near the student drop off/pick up lane, approximately 30 yards from the doors at Blue Ridge Elementary School. Henson stated that all schools are ensuring doors are locked from the outside, limiting access into the schools. Members of the Central Office also visited schools today to offer an extra set of eyes and monitor security processes.

This morning, Central Office members met to review the EOP (Emergency Operations Plan). Additionally, Henson noted that the district is researching the installation of more locks and cameras, a process which he said would take at least a month to complete.

Law Enforcement Officers will guard and patrol the schools through tomorrow.

Fannin County School System issued a letter today ensuring parents and guardians of safety measures at schools. In a recent conversation with FYN, Henson said the focus is to convey routine to the students.

With these changes, the county hopes to put everyone’s mind at ease as much as possible. Mr. Henson and other Fannin County School System officials are dedicated to providing a happy and safe learning environment for its students. FYN will report the progress of our schools’ safety as details become available.

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