
Today it is extremely popular to be a victim. POOR ME, POOR MY, SOMEBODY LOOKED AT ME WRONG, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!! CALL THE WAHH-BULANCE!

Everyone is super sensitive to anything and everything and they get butt hurt if someone sneezes in their direction.

This is an absolute antithesis to American exceptionalism. Americans are not whiners, nor shirkers. Americans saved the world in World War II. Americans are the original rebels and the first to stand up and fight for what is right and good.

Yet, the school systems, the Democratic Party, media and liberal leftists everywhere have taken up the banner of victimhood. Lately, it is like a badge of courage to be beaten down by a paper tiger or an imagined slight. In fact, if someone is wrongly accused and dares stand up for the correction of the issue, they are told that they are out of line and have anger issues.

The words RACIST, XENOPHOBE, WHITE SUPREMACIST BIGOT or NAZI, are like the shields used by knights of old that protect the “victim” of any reprisal. By flashing these key words, no one is supposed to DARE to react to defend themselves. This is complete rubbish, and no one should accept these lame excuses.

Almost every minority has jumped on the bandwagon and are thoroughly enjoying their victimhood.

Which minority has been the most mistreated, yet remains silent?

What about Native Americans? Hear any crybabies from the Native Americans on the news?

No one in our history have more reason to vent their spleens and grievances than the Native People of the United States. Their lands were invaded. They extended the hand of friendship and life-saving help to the invaders. Their kindness was rewarded with treachery, not just once, but over and over again.

Andrew Jackson was a prominent figure in the Nations denouement. 

He signed The Indian Removal Act in December of 1830. This triggered the Trail of Tears and a systematic decimation and / or genocide of the Cherokee people. The act was created for the sole purpose of taking ancestral lands from the indigenous people to redistribute their lands to white settlers. (Sound familiar to anyone?)

This was the gratitude Jackson showed to Chief Junaluska of the Cherokee. Junaluska saved Jackson’s life in the war against the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, which made Jackson a national hero.

He regretted saving him later, though he was given citizenship and lands in Graham County, North Carolina.

Native Americans were not awarded citizenship in the United States until June 2, 1924 with the passage of The Indian Citizenship Act.

For the first time in history, there are four Native American representatives in Congress at the same time. 

This includes the first two Native American women to ever be elected the House of Representatives.

They are Democrats Sharice Davis of the 3rd District of Kansas and Deb Haaland of the 1st district of New Mexico.

Representative Tom Cole and Markwayne Mullin, both of Oklahoma and Republican, have been in the House from 2003 and 2013, respectively.

Has anyone seen or heard them join forces to complain about any mistreatment or discrimination?

Collectively, they have put forth some great ideas and worked to pass bills for the goals they are pursuing for their constituents.

That is the only reason that anyone is sent to Congress or to the Senate. They are to work for the people in their district, supposedly looking after the interests and issues that concern their citizenry.

Drama, victimhood and self absorbed behavior is not one of the duties of an elected official.

All of those in the House and the Senate, get to work, you work for The People, not your own agenda!


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