Feed Fannin Hosts Bowls of Hope Event

Community, Featured Stories, Non Profit

Feed Fannin held Bowls of Hope event at Willow Creek Falls on March 21st 2015. A large crowd enjoyed wonderful soups, chilies, breads and desserts from the finest local restaurants and chefs on March 21, 2015 at Willow Creek Falls. The Bowls of Hope event was held from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Advance tickets were sold or you could purchase your ticket at the door and kids were free!

Those attending could take home a beautiful bowl handcrafted by a local artisan. There was a wide variety to sample and a fantastic silent auction. Live music was playing by artists Bobby Don Bloodworth, Jedd Dodson, Jennifer Danner, John Autry, and Jim Richter. FYN has a sample of the excellent talent – a video of Jennifer Danner, a very talented local artist.

The Bowls of Hope event raises money to fill the bowls of the hungry in Fannin County. Feed Fannin is working together to educate and encourage our community towards self-sufficiency while providing food for those in need. If you didn’t have an opportunity to attend this fun and worthwhile event you can still get involved. To find out more visit the website Feed Fannin.

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