Is Our Republican Form of Government Already Lost?


The fragility of maintaining our republican form of representative government is revealed daily in the news, not from the point of view by the MSM as a necessity to be cherished and protected, but as an evil to be done away with because It represents the wicked fruits of decades of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” That’s the trope AOC and her Socialists want us to believe and accept because alleged white injustice has suppressed the hopes and dreams of people everywhere, ignoring that people were once drawn here by what America offered that no other country in the world could provide: individual freedoms!

I am amazed at the different modes of attack against our representative form of government and the Conservative ideals that have allowed America to prosper for over 250 years. The Left will argue that Americas prosperity began, not with the smell of gunsmoke at Concord, but on the backs of slaves and therefore, whites should be shamed, admit their guilt and allow the dark skinned peoples to take over, a “new world order” so to speak, so everybody benefits equally. The weaknesses in their arguments are readily apparent but the Left doesn’t care so long as America and what it represents in individual freedom is destroyed.

AOC, Omar, Tlaib and others have become the face of the New World Order. Their Socialist party (Democrats), having joined the race mongers, generated a grievance industry that has grown exponentially into a living, breathing morphism that is now out of control, the focal point being the ‘racist presidency’ of Donald Trump. His successful Make America Great Again policies, in two and a half years, has driven them into a such a state of dysfunction that they are now openly and brazenly advocating for violence, civil disobedience, boycotts and crime.

We are aware that no economic program(s) will prosper if they are not free of crime. Unscrupulous politicians like Obama, instead of addressing the crime issues, reversed immigration rules and allowed the importation of criminal gangs (eg: MS-13) under the pretext of child immigration from Mexico and Central America, and muslims in the dark of night, and now, years later, we are reaping the rewards of his dysfunctional experiment in fundamentally changing America. We are alarmed by the growing numbers of sanctuary cities governed by like thinking Progressives, with the rising crime rates by the illegals who are allowed to roam in our midst, and the expensive exertions against the public purse just to support these unworthy people. Just because they want to come here doesn’t mean they can come here.

Speaking of crime, I am equally amazed at the thought process that convinced the highest ranks of the Dept. of Justice, the FBI, CIA and the DNI, to soil their hands in the crime of treason trying to bring down, through fraud and subterfuge, the lawfully elected President of the United States. What caused them to think they could throw off the restraining shackles of our glorious Constitution and conspire to engage in the nefarious schemes of obtaining false warrants, false criminal indictments and false arrests solely for the purpose of destroying President Trump. That’s hubris of the highest order.

Clearly, when the highest levels of leadership collectively becomes as addlepated as Joe Biden is on the campaign trail, them something is seriously amiss in the social order and it doesn’t take a genius to spot what it is. Neither does it help when the media does not value the truth for the truths sake, but for its usefulness in bringing down a President and pushing America to the brink of socialism. The Left claims they want “Justice” but what is justice? Justice does not, nor ever has intended to provide a guaranteed outcome. “Justice is what I say it is!”

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

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