Easy Credit, America’s Tar Baby


While the Democrats are spinning out of control and the media is focused on Trump’s destruction, and fake news fills our TV sets, let’s take a look at a serious issue facing us.

Okay, America is a mess, politically, socially, and economically. Yes, the economy is humming along and jobs are widely available, but the money is phony. We are pawns in the hands of the world bankers and money manipulators, dependent on them for every dollar we think we earn and spend when every dollar really only represents our personal IOU note of debt to them! In effect we exist by debt and deficit spending, in other words, easy credit!

So, why has this practice of living off credit/debt become so common and why has it been allowed to continue? First, any changes to existing laws on spending limits, etc. requires a legislative process! But alas, politicians, being the parasites they are, benefit from the existing monetary system. Their greed and avarice is boundless. Why do you suppose that poor politicians retire wealthy after only a few years in service but a soldier doesn’t? Their well-paying conflict of interest schemes are solidly entrenched and once new politicians are compromised, they’re in forever like getting stuck on that ol’ Uncle Remus’s Tar Baby.

Several questions arise. How do we find honest politicians? Terms limits have been proposed but no politician worth his life, would sponsor such a bill or, if he did, it would never get an affirmative vote. That’s how democracy really works. We vote the crooks in ourselves and they vote for themselves.

Draining the Swamp, as Trump promised, was a harder task than expected. Trump promised to do it and he’s working on it but, anyone without Trump’s personal strength to resist the constant scurrilous political attacks against him, would have been gone weeks after their inauguration. Instead, because of Trump’s strength, the failed FBI coup using that swamp scoundrel, the honorable Robert Mueller as its spear point, actually exposed the worst of the decadent DC Swamp Creatures proving the Deep State does exist. They should be gone soon.

Trump’s arrival, a complete shock to the DC political system threatens their money machine so carefully crafted over the past decades; but, that money machine itself has changed. Today we are totally dependent on the commercial private bank system, including the Federal Reserve as every dollar in circulation is a borrowed one. What makes the system work is the continued printing of valueless fiat money and dispersing it rapidly into the system with low interest rates. There’s that tar baby again! Maybe we should invest in green ink.

When banks print debt money we prosper; when they don’t, we’ll see recession and hard times. Once we understand what’s in the empty cash bucket were looking into, it seems we’re in a hopeless position to the point of absurdity and yet, all the signs and warnings are out there for us to see, just garbled up and papered over to confuse us.

Does our system of economic debt portend America’s demise? Will it happen before Islam gets here and our wealth lies in the camels we own? Are we capable of repairing the situation or do we still rely on our elected, mostly corrupt politicians, to do the right thing?

Who has a vested interest in not wanting changes? Well, tax accountants for sure. Politicians of course, and special interest groups because it’s all about money. It’s their vested interest in wealth creation and It’s scandalous yet, we’re moved to do nothing. That’s how revolutions are born, out of politicians doing nothing.

Most folks look to the Fed to solve the credit/debt crisis. Can it? No! It would be impossible as the banksters created it. All this subprime lending and collateralized debt was a scam from the beginning. There is no added value anywhere. Everything in America is paper shuffling. It’s a paper bubble empire backed by paper fiat money. It has to eventually shake itself out or collapse, if not this time it will come later, during most of our lifetimes, i.e.: soon!

How do we get good people to send up there? How do we recruit, vet and elect intelligent, yet courageous people who are smart enough not to get entrapped in the tar baby morass that is the political cash machine and yet not be afraid to confront the Progressive kill machine that is the Marxist Democrat party? Don’t be fooled. They might be in disarray, but they’re not retreating in confusion.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

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