Christian Genocide. Is Islam the Question or the Answer?


Christian Genocide. Is Islam the Question or the Answer?

I’m sure it hasn’t gone unnoticed by Conservatives as it has among the media, that when Islamist’s murder people at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Shoot up Coptic church’s in Egypt, a Catholic cathedral in the Philippines, a ‘Gay’ nightclub in Orlando, a concert in Paris, a concert in Liverpool and on the streets of Nice or, fly three commandeered airplanes into American buildings, we are repeatedly told not to paint all Muslims with the same evil brush as the radical Jihadists. However, let one crazed, white neo-nazi drives his car into a Charlottesville mob of Leftists, or a professed Leftist in Christchurch, NZ, shoots up a mosque, Conservatives are all immediately branded as white supremacists, white nationalists or Nazi’s, as the media screams “racism and Islamaphobic bigotry.” I can’t be the only one who has noticed this, can I? Where’s the outrage, except by the Left against white culture?

After every attack by Muslim terrorists, we are repeatedly warned of the dangers of hate and Islamophobia. Well, if we didn’t listen to them and acted as real defenders would have, we’ve had killed off or imprisoned all the idiots by now and the Islamic invasion would be over. But, we didn’t! Obama talked us out of that after the San Bernardino massacre. Then came Dylan Roof, a white Liberal, who killed nine blacks worshipers in a Charlestown, SC church and Obama screamed that racism was still part of the American DNA so, white folks, beware. It was Obama’s policy to divide and conquer. It was he who stirred up that pot again.

So, fifty Muslims were murdered in New Zealand by a single activist. Hardly compares with the 118 Christians murdered in Nigeria by mobs of Muslim jihadists this past week. They’re all still running free to continue their Christian genocide. Why is the Muslim slaughters in Nigeria not being reported by the media or discussed by politicians? Western countries provide Muslims with the safe guards and protection of law, but not so in some Muslim countries where non-Muslims are second class citizens, subservient to Sharia Law, and taxed if not killed out right, as infidels; In European  countries non Muslim (Infidel) women can be beaten and raped according to Sharia law, and where criticizing Islam, or leaving it, merits you a death sentence. How is it “Progressive” to defend Islam’s hateful phobias from criticism? Why is “Islamiphobia” not a cherished term of self-defense instead of a pejorative for ‘hate, bigotry and Islamaphobia?’

What we don’t see or can’t fathom, is that the Democrats have weaponized the lie, especially to defeat President Trump. Whether something is a lie or not is irrelevant if it serves their purpose. Lies are amoral. I learned that from my home schooled soap dish experience. Any American who has not figured this out after watching the Democrats in action since Trumps inauguration, and Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, is blind. The Democrats are waging a war and the lie is simply a weapon. The “Elite” congressional Republicans are fools who dwell, at tax payer expense, in the land of Oz. We see the Republicans as playing with marbles while the Left is  playing with nuclear weapons, protecting invaders so they can continue their Islamization depredations among our once orderly society.

The NZ shooter described himself as an “eco-fascist,” an “anarchist,” a “libertarian” and finally a “communist.” He disagreed with President Trump on many issues and, he identified more with Red China than Conservatism. He chose to use firearms in his attack because he wanted to create an aura of divisiveness, like within the US. He wrote that he leaned toward European style Socialism and whined about wealth inequality yet, the media blamed Donald Trump as causal because of Charlottesville. We must define for ourselves the words the Left has changed to suit their agenda. We should know by now the key phrases that smack of Marxist-Leninism.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now go get ‘em!

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