Two Sides of the Same Coin


Opinion by George McClellan:

I have absolutely no great concern about the diminishing campaign prospects of the former first lady’s presidential aspirations. In fact I relish them. Based upon the potential, but probably inevitable charges of mishandling of classified government documents, obstruction of justice, and possibly espionage, Clinton’s march to Sainthood has hit a very serious snag.


The mishandling of classified materials, documents and hardware alike, are so serious an offense that a misstep, accidental or intended, could cost an employee his/her security clearance and in turn his/her job. A coating of teflon will not stop the inevitable.


The physical controls of simply handling classified documents are so rigorous that electronic and paper trails, with signatures or time stamps, are required just to handle such things. Rank and privilege have no redeeming consequence whatsoever. Obama’s government has become so casual in its observance to the rule of law that teflon coated illuminaries, like the former first lady, easily finds adherence to the bothersome little rules that control such handling as tiresome and in the way of her important mission. So, rules protecting America’s security are dismissed or  ignored with casual indifference.  That’s the trap. The rules weren’t changed, just ignored.


The more she ignores the increasing email discoveries the more I see her sinking further and further into the depth of despair that only assisted suicide could alleviate. Hillary cannot be President. She is compromised. Putin already knows her weakness’s and will use them against her and America. The former first lady already has a history of prevarication, dissimulation and ignoring problems until they go away, that she knows no other method of operation. Doing what is right or telling the truth never occurs to her. Early in her law career she was a junior lawyer on the Senate Judicial Committee investigating Richard Nixon during Watergate. She was fired from that job because she was labeled a liar who engaged in unethical and dishonest practices.


My concern lies with the panicked Republican Party, that elite Corp of professional and career politicians who do not see or do not understand the cause of the shifting sands beneath their feet. They cling to their philosophy of “tell ‘em what they want to hear and we’ll do for them what we think is best for ‘em!”  We voters have told them again and again what we want and they won’t do it. The GOP, again and again does what they want and what they want isn’t working especially if they believe it includes appeasement of the enemy, the new Democrat party.


Well, Donald Trump is the cause of the shifting sands. He has openly challenged the GOP narrative and is telling us not only what we want to hear but that he agrees with us. Apparently, the GOP’s vast right wing conspiracy machine isn’t working like Hillary once claimed it did The GOP cannot blame anyone but themselves. If they don’t understand the message, they shouldn’t blame the messenger, in this case Donald Trump. They can’t kill him. That’s illegal!


The GOP doesn’t have a problem with free wheeling of classified documents. It has a problem with losing its base. The media tell us the GOP elites are afraid Trump is destroying the Republican Party. No, he isn’t! The Republican Party is destroying itself because they have joined forces with Big Government and Big Business who are looting our treasury, diminishing our future and enslaving all Americans, not just the ones willing to be enslaved. Perhaps the GOP, like the Democrat Party, needs to be reformed in the image in which it was first created, observing the rule of law and obeying the Constitution.


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way.  Now, go get ‘em! (18 August 2015)

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