Letter to the Editor by Conrad Quagliaroli


Dear Editor:

On Facebook, I recently read; “Who in their right mind would even support the tea party?” The answer is, EVERYONE in their RIGHT mind.
Because you can tell a lot about a person or organization by its enemies, a better question would be; who does NOT support the tea party movement? Let’s look at a partial list. First, the Democrats and the Democrat Party, followed by the left leaning Mainstream Media, the Communist Party USA, plus George Soros and every left wing organization he supports from Media Matters to Moveon.org. .

Tea party people are for less regulation on our businesses, so they can create jobs for our neighbors, less government intrusion in our daily lives and a transparent government, which treats each citizen equally and does not fund companies like Solindra. They are for the property rights of our citizens, so the government can’t take their home away from them and give it to a developer. They’re also on the side of the property owner who has had the use of their property taken away from them, because the EPA found a puddle and declared it a wetland, suitable only for ducks.

Tea party people tend to be older people who went to school when our history books taught civics and patriotism, not what a hateful country America is. They therefore have a love of their country, its’ founders and its’ traditions. They support and respect our military, police, teachers, our flag and the law. They are so law-abiding, it’s hard to get them to put a sign in their yard advertising the tea party, because it’s against the home owners association rules.

Different tea party chapters have different interests. The Tea Party Patriots, which my Woodstock chapter belongs to, concerns itself with national issues like Obamacare, illegal immigration and less government regulation. Other chapters focus on local issues.

Obama and his minions in the IRS an EPA have good reason to hate the tea party. In the historic 2010 election, of the 80 new members of Congress, 60 of them were tea party candidates who’ve been fighting Obama’s socialist agenda ever since.

It was the tea party that put the REPUBLICANS BACK IN CONTROL of the House of Representatives. Remember the first two years of the Obama Administration? The Stimulus program, Obamacare was rammed down your throat, charges of the Black Panthers who intimidated voters, were dropped and the carbon tax that would’ve doubled your electric bill almost passed . If it were not for the tea party movement, we would have had 6 years of this, not 2 years. I think that alone, is reason enough to support the tea party.

God Bless America, Conrad Quagliaroli, Cherokee Tea Party Patriots

About your post…”Who in their right mind would even support the tea party?” The answer is, everyone in their RIGHT mind. Because you can tell a lot about a person or organization by its enemies, a better question would be, who does NOT support the tea party movement?

Let’s take a look at part of that list. First, the anti-tea party movement is headed by Democrats and the Democrat Party, followed by the left leaning Mainstream Media, the Communist Party USA, supporters of Obama, the IRS and Obamacare, plus George Sores and every left wing organization he supports from Media Matters to Moveon.org. And lastly, big spending Republicans who do not even come close to adhering to the principles of the Republican Party, to name just a few. In my opinion, those who hate the tea party are either on the left, and stand with the above mentioned groups, or have been misled by the left, mainly, the Mainstream media.

The fact is, the people in the tea party movement are either Libertarians or Conservatives. There simply are no Democrats or Liberals, because the people in the tea party favor less government and less spending and the Democrats and Liberals are for more government and more spending. Why would a Democrat join the tea party, that’s like a vegetarian going to a steak house.

Speaking of what tea people are for, they are for less regulation on our businesses so they can create jobs for our people, less intrusion by the government in our daily lives, so people could live their lives as they see fit. They are for good, honest, transparent government, which treats each citizen equally and does not fund companies like Solindra. They are for the property rights of our citizens so the government can not take their home away from them and give it to a developer, as happened in the Kelo case in Connecticut. They are also on the side of the property owner who has had the use of their property taken away from them, because an arm of the government (the EPA) found a puddle on it, and declared it a wetland suitable only for ducks.

Tea party people tend to be older people who went to school when our history books taught civics and patriotism, not what a hateful country America is. They therefore have a love of their country, its’ founders and its’ traditions. They overwhelmingly support and respect our military, police, teachers, our flag and the law. They are so law-abiding, it’s hard to get them to put a sign in their yard advertising the tea party, because it’s against the home owners association rules. And while there were 3,000 plus arrests in the year long Occupy Wall street movement, there have been fewer than a dozen arrests out of millions of tea party people, in the five year long tea party movement. Where at one event alone, 1.5 million people gathered with their American flags on the Mall in Washington.

Different tea party chapters have different interests, in general, the Tea Party Patriots, which my Woodstock chapter belongs to, concerns itself with national issues like Obamacare, illegal immigration and less government regulation, which is an intrusion of the Federal Government into our local affairs. We have 3400 chapters around the country and have a weekly conference call, where only national issues are discussed and no local issues come up. Most of the chapters, including the one I belong to, concentrate their efforts on the national issues discussed on these calls.

Those who hate the tea party are not only in the company of the above mentioned organizations, but also the Obama Administration and the IRS, who hate the tea party as well. Of course Obama and his minions in the IRS an EPA have good reason to hate the tea party. In the historic 2010 election, of the 80 or so new members of Congress, around 60 of them were tea party candidates who have been fighting Obama’s socialist agenda ever since.

Like it or not, it was the rise of the tea party that put the REPUBLICANS BACK IN CONTROL of the House of Representatives. Can you imagine if the Republicans were not in charge of the House and it was controlled by the Democrats these past 6 years? There would be no investigation of Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the IRS. And every socialist program Obama dreamed up, would be funded to the max on borrowed money, that your children would have to repay.

Actually, you don’t have to imagine it, you lived it. All you have to do is remember the first two years of the Obama Administration. The Stimulus program that went to shovel ready jobs that did not exist and to Obama’s supporters in the unions and in the Solindras of the world. Obamacare was rammed down your throat, the charges of the Black Panthers who were intimidating voters, were dropped, the disregard for the law in putting the unions before the bondholders in the Chrysler restructuring and the carbon tax that almost passed that would have doubled your electric bill. If it were not for the tea party movement, we would have had 6 years of this, not 2 years. I think that alone, is reason enough to support the tea party. Lastly, don’t believe what you hear about the tea party, the tea party is the voice of everyday, hardworking Americans. The movement is not made up of skinheads, just your neighbors.

God Bless America, Conrad Quagliaroli, Cherokee Tea Party Patriots

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