Political Schisms are Coming. Be Prepared!


Skilled politicians can propagandize people to accept their own slavery, and even demand
more. Hitler did it with apparent ease. Unorganized push back is ineffective and if dangerous to
the state and the state feels threatened, it will turn tyrannical to save itself. Keep your guns.

The unpleasantness now growing on the streets of Paris, reflect a tax push back by a once
moribund French population for whom any more compliance has hit a wall. They have just about
had all the socialist crap they can take. French President Macrons casual increase in fuel taxes,
in support of fighting global warming, blew up in his face and he’s backed down. The riots on the
streets of Paris are predictable precursors to the unloading of a whole host of other grievances
against European socialist engineering that has seduced the people to accept an ideology foreign
to their human nature, their culture and their best interests. Global socialism is starting to
unravel. Even in their anger, the French rioters are calling out “Trump, Trump, Trump.” Well?

The toad, Macron is part of the New World Order crowd that demands Eastern European
countries, who are adamantly refusing to participate, accept their fair share of Islamic migrants
for the good of European economic production. The Europeans have been propagandized into
accepting these hostile foreign workers because of the low birthrates in host countries. That
problem, like here in America, is caused by the enacted Socialists schemes for selected
population control through infanticide (abortion), doctor-assisted suicides and, for the elderly,
denial of medical services after a certain age.

People understand that when those Islamic rascals move into their host countries they
immediately set about demanding, by threats and violence, that host governments accept their
demands for Shariah Laws. They create “no-go zones” and also expect the passive acceptance
of the Islamization of that country by demanding hate crime laws to punish infidels who refuse to
comply with their submission to Islamic enslavement. Make no mistake, Islam is not your friend.

Statistics now show that most of these people don’t work but live off the social welfare programs
of the host country, paid for by the taxpayers, while they engage in the Islamic subversion of the
host populations. I think the French people have about had all they can stand of that too.

It’s working like that in America too. Consider those millennial age students who are turning
toward Democrat socialism espoused by the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
among others. Sanders and Warren are from the old school of American socialists that practiced
subversion by stealth, through the implementation of “Common Core” educational programs, the
seating of Jurists who are willing to impose feel good laws that are unconstitutional, and through
the wholesale attempts to impose government mandated healthcare.

To prevent the citizens from noticing what the “elites” are doing, it’s necessary for them to
distract us with nonsense. The Leftist propaganda machine, the Main Stream Media, is in
business to do just that. Fretting over natural occurrences and trifles while the Deep State
continues its negative narrative to implicate President Trump in wrongdoing while exculpating
the real source of evil, Hillary Clinton and her cabal of potential codefendants.

Americans who see this, instinctively understand that if this phony Mueller Investigation works to
remove President Trump from office upon a manufactured pretense, but fails to pursue the
Clintons/Obama crime syndicate, then the danger exists that the American people just might
take a note from the brave French standing up to the EU’s Socialist machine that is killing them,
and do the same. That’s why they want our guns.

I have very little faith in our political party’s or their politicians, except for the President, to do the
right thing. Americans, enough of them to make Donald Trump the President, will absolutely not
countenance his removal by the “Deep State” criminals trying to protect themselves by removing

Here, the law of unintended consequences of their legislations will be noticeable. To make a law
that’s is contrary to the best interests of America, then make another law to repair the damage,
is to create the impression they are doing something worthy. This too will not go unnoticed

The world, especially Europe and the United States, are on the cusp of the greatest effort by the
New World Order crowd of international bankers and political leaders, to steal our liberties and
our production for no good purpose at all save to satisfy a “elites” desire to hold power over all.
Apart from their open borders initiatives that expects all countries (especially America) to accept
the entry of any and all immigrants without exception, their next step will be the coming
economic crisis for which Trump will be blamed.

To fix that ‘false flag’ crisis they will encourage the acceptance of their phony “cryptocurrency”
that, once accepted, will become the valueless currency of the New World Order. We will soon
become a cashless society and when that happens, our enslavement will be complete. Think
about that! It could be just around the corner.

Remember, Liberty is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Dec18)

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