Short Takes – Assumptions



One must ask why it is assumed that the logical candidate to replace a conservative office holder, must be a Democrat? The plethora of campaign appeals from loser Democratic PAC’s, for donations to combat those dangerous, misguided Republicans, claim in the text of their appeals, that Trumps election was an aberration and that American’s really demand that Democrats be returned to power because that awful Trump is so divisive & etc., etc.!

Well, no, they assume incorrectly! The vote for Donald Trump signaled the beginning of the end of official criminality, Obama’s terrible legacy and, expectantly, an end to the Democrats Marxist-Socialist experiment in collectivist government.

The Left ignores the reasoning that got them in their present unhappy circumstance in the first place. The voters didn’t want a third Obama term. The voters didn’t want that crooked Hillary Clinton screwing up America any more and, Americans really expect justice to be served for her crimes. Americans once assumed the FBI could be trusted implicitly. The Clinton’s ruined all that. The FBI is now wreathed in controversy, infested with Clinton partisans and politically, stand on the wrong side of Constitutionality earning the same level of trustworthiness as aluminum siding or Obamacare salesmen. Once lost, trust cannot be reinstated without pain.

The Left is mounting an all out assault on Donald Trump on their assumption that his Presidency is illegitimate. But the underlying issues that motivated voters to elect Trump are ignored.  Americans don’t want to share bathrooms with perverts. Americans are sick and tired of illegal alien intruders breaking into our country, protected by Renegade Cities and murdering Americans on the streets with impunity. That includes Islam. Americans are dismayed by the stupid Liberals driving our government into unbearable debt. Americans are saddened by the less than adequate quality of graduates being turned out by Commie infested colleges and universities and Americans are exhausted from the tax burden that pays for everything except our national defense. They’re tired of unaffordable healthcare and being told they had to buy it regardless. All that is what the Democrats did to us and will do to us again in the future if Donald Trump fails. Now why would they assume we could possibly want democrats in power again? Their message is the same one they’ve used for decades and it still rings hollow!

Americans voted for Donald Trump because he promised solutions and, ‘surprise,’ he’s delivering. The Left is going berserk trying to change the results of the election that gave us Donald Trump. We’ve had nearly a year of Progressive generated crisis’s all centered around a fake Democrat created narrative about Trump and the Russians, ignoring greedy Clinton’s own collusion evidence with the Russians. Nothing was proved, yet it’s still droning on. So, why do Democrats assume that we would even tolerate them in office any more? Do you?

The Democrat Party is leaderless. The only solid front presented to us in the Congress is when the aging and demented Nancy Pelosi and the feckless Chuck Schumer grab the podium and spew out their fear mongering claims that Republican policies will lead to Armageddon, ‘women and children to be hardest hit.’ What’s to replace the ranks of geriatric Democrat leadership in the future? Anarchists, Islamics, and antifa’s, all now learning their trade on our streets today, like the Clintons did back in the 1960’s. Now is the time to stick a fork in ‘em. They’re done or should be. Sadly, Republicans won’t do it. They’re still afraid of wielding the power we gave ‘em.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (07Dec17)

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