Author Visits West Fannin Elementary School


Ms. Mary Jean Pace’s 4th and 5th grade social studies students at West Fannin Elementary School got a special treat on Monday October 5, when they got to meet author Jane Price Harmon. Ms. Harmon is a writer of historical fiction from the Atlanta area, who talked to the students about her writing process and some background information behind the books the students are reading, including inspiration for some of the characters’ names. The 4th grade students are currently reading “Pip” which is about a 13 year old boy in rural Tennessee and his dog, “Pip”, who help Cherokee Natives as they pass by on the trail of tears, which helps him learn more about the grim realities faced by the Cherokee. Ms. Harmon brought her dog, Cole, which was the inspiration for “Pip.” The 5th Graders are reading Warrior Song, which is about a girl and her horse, “Southern Warrior,” who get caught in the crosshairs of Sherman’s March to Sea. Ms. Harmon brought a picture of the horse that inspired “Southern Warrior,” but only wished she could bring the actual horse. After Ms. Harmon’s talk, the students were very excited to have the opportunity to ask her questions, which ranged from questions about the book they were reading to Ms. Harmon’s love of animals. Ms. Pace then presented Ms. Harmon with letters from the students, a basket of apples, some sweet potatoes grown by Ms. Pace, and a goody bag for “Pip”. Each student received a signed copy of the book they were reading and a bookmark with “Pip’s” footprint.


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