Fannin County Athletics News

Rebel's Corner

New release from Scott Ramsey, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at Fannin County High School:
As the new school year opens there are many exciting things going on with Fannin County Athletics. Our participation numbers are up. We currently have 70 on the high school football team. We have been able to divide our middle school into three teams in order to provide more games for each grade level as well as opportunities for more kids to play. The 6th and 7th grade teams are participating in a recreation league schedule and are being coached by recreation league coaches who graciously volunteer their time for the benefit of our student athletes. In addition we have two volunteers and one unpaid coach at the high school level. The time and effort that these gentlemen devote, demonstrate the unbelievable community support that is so prevalent in Fannin County. The willingness of these coaches to donate their time and energy make it possible for us to have a full coaching staff without incurring any extra cost to the school system.

In addition to the gains made in football our other fall sports are creating a lot of excitement as well. We have added a “C Team” in volleyball composed primarily of 9th graders to accommodate the large number of girls who try out for the volleyball team. Our middle school and high school softball teams are kicking off their seasons on their newly renovated field at the Blue Ridge City Park. The renovations to the field were made possible by an inter-local agreement between the Fannin County School Board and the Blue Ridge Mayor and City Council. Both of these governing bodies demonstrated a willingness and determination to provide our girls with a top notch facility. Our cross country teams have seen a jump in participation at both the middle and high school level. We currently have over 40 runners participating in cross country practice. No fall would be complete without the sounds of the band and the spirit of our cheerleaders. Both of these groups are putting in long hours to perfect their skills and enhance everyone’s visit to our campus on Friday nights.

Finally, without the unwavering support of our various booster clubs we would not be able to provide nearly as much for our student athletes. Not only do they provide a tremendous amount of financial support but they log many hours of physical labor to help provide the best possible athletic program that we can. The administration, coaches, and players greatly appreciate these efforts. It’s a great time to be a Rebel.

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