What Would Jesus Not Do?


WWJD, popularized by bracelets, t-shirts, and bumper stickers, was the sub-title of Charles Shelton’s novel titled In His Steps, written in 1896. I imagine very few of those displaying the slogan actually read the book; many may not even know the question the letters stand for. And, sadly, multitudes who call themselves Christians never seriously ponder the question.To be fair, it is very difficult to know what anyone will do in a given situation. A person’s knowledge and abilities, the motive of the heart, and the desired outcome will influence actions. Sometimes what appears harsh is motivated by love, while what appears loving may actually be cruel and uncaring. So perhaps an easier question to ponder is, “What would Jesus not do?”

I would suggest that if we start with this simpler question, we might gradually move toward an understanding of what Jesus might actually do; or better yet, what He might actually have us do.

For example: I’m sure all of us—Christian or non-Christian—might agree that Jesus would not get drunk on Saturday night. Would we all agree that Jesus would not hoard his resources, letting those around Him suffer so He could be assured of a comfortable retirement? I doubt that Jesus would yell at children, or plot revenge against anyone who crossed Him. And I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t be slack at His responsibilities in the woodworking shop.

Jesus, at least in my understanding, wouldn’t put things into His body that would harm it or hamper His ability to use it effectively for His Father’s glory. I can’t imagine Him allowing “entertainment” to pollute His mind and soul, or wearing clothes that drew attention to His body—and away from His message. I can’t picture Him mistaking His house for His testimony, His prosperity for proof of God’s blessing, His car for His message, or His voice for His authority.

We know that Jesus never turned from His friends when they didn’t understand Him or agree with Him—even about spiritual/doctrinal/religious things. He didn’t give up on those who followed Him, even when they failed, faltered, or forsook Him. But neither did He pretend that everyone was “OK,” or turn a blind eye to those who spoke or acted falsely.

In short, I’m confident that I would go far toward being what Jesus would have me be by simply asking myself, “Am I about to do or say something that Jesus would not do or say?” It’s only when I stop making excuses for the things I allow and candidly admit that such things would never please Jesus that I can take the next step and seriously consider what He might actually do if He were in my situation.

So, what are you doing that Jesus would not do?

You know these things, and God will bless you, if you do them. John 13:17 (CEV)

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