The Trans Pacific Partnership Scheme


Opinion by George McClellan:The TPP is our alleged president’s scheme to expand economic opportunities for Americans. Of course, if we had jobs here, we wouldn’t need to expand economic opportunities by shipping jobs abroad, would we?. We would already have them. Obama claims the TPP will boost US economic growth. It’s the 21st centuries version of the 20th century NAFTA Plan gone awry.

NAFTA cost America five million jobs between 1997 and 2014, lost to cheap labor overseas while horde’s of illegal immigrants flood here. Everybody has a Mexico. China has its Vietnam, Costa Rica has its Honduras and Russia has its southern former USSR states which move uninvited, across borders. That’s how it goes in these days of near instant travel and rapid communication.

Obama calls the TPP a “living Document” what ever that means. He also considers our US Constitution a living document that should be amendable to the current needs of the people as he sees it and, we know what that means. So he simply ignores it and does what every dictator thinks is best.

The TPP allegedly would require participating countries to adopt strict labor and environmental rules, a sop to the environmentalist tree huggers, provide legal protections to drug companies (why drug companies?), lengthen the term of copyright protections, and give foreign investors (Wall Street and big banks) an entirely new and easy way to rob other countries.

This is an important step in creating the “New World Order” where the global economy scheme, is to be protected at all costs, by itself. Without intending to sound conspiratorial, have you noticed the rapid rise in large private security companies? Blackwater comes to mind and while their name has changed, they have been testing their abilities to defend on the actual fields of battle in the near-east.

Why is the TPP being made in secret? Obama denies its a secret deal, “trust me” he say’s. Well, fat chance for that and that is one of the reasons TPP is so controversial. No body trusts Obama, except our GOP apparently. Too, if the contents of this deal were revealed, we would see what could in fact could be construed as the New World Orders Constitution for fascism, a business plan modeled on avarice and greed.

This agreement will end, if we let it, our national sovereignty. Decision making power will rest in the hands of non-elected bureaucrats most from foreign countries. A good example of a dysfunctional, collective government is the European Union. I asked why drug companies should get special protections and the answer is power and control. This applies to big agriculture as well. Who controls the sources of food and medicine controls the people.

Small farms will virtually disappear under loads of bankruptcy. Home farm markets, now successful in small towns everywhere, will be deemed illegal blackmarket operations. Local economies will disappear under the weight of regulations. Food will be filled with chemicals and food safety will become a thing of the past. Pesticides use will increase as will the use of herbicides and populations will be slowly poisoned to death and massive problems of Ill health will plague our communities and, your right to complain will be muted. Call your Senator and Representative now and tell ‘em “NO” to Obama’s TPP. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go tell ‘em! (18 May 15).

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