Thanksgiving – 2013


Short Takes by George McClellen:

What a wonderful idea it was, from Michelle Obama, to encourage Americans to talk about Obamacare with their kin folk at the Thanksgiving table. The first lady told us: “ Don’t wait until the last minute—be sure to start the conversation early!” She even gave us tips on how to bring the subject up; picking a creative way to start the conversation, probably after dinner when everyone’s full and lying supine on their backs watching football. And, most importantly, she told us how to engage our Republican uncle, you know, that opinionated old fart whose opposition to the President impedes socialisms “forward progress” in America.

I believe Saint Oprah gave us the solution to the elderly Republican problem: “they have to die!” We can thank the DNC for assisting us in parsing our arguments against the anti-revolutionaries of the “Right” by providing us with pertinent talking points data and with this illuminating website: wherein the achievements of the Obama administration are elucidated for all to read; where their facts stand out against the Republican lies that are thwarting our good and sincere President from achieving his intended goals: job creation for the middle-class, small business tax cuts, affordable health care for all, and stripping the wealthy of their greedy, unearned profits. Oh, the shame of it!

So, following the advice of our dear leader and what’s her name, we left no opportunity pass where Obamacare was not inserted into our dinner table conversation: “Pass the mashed potatoes please, I like ‘em swirled up like the mishmash that is Obamacare.”, “I’ll have some more turkey please, it tastes like that turkey, Obamacare”. “Would anybody like some more stuffing? You know where it came from!” “I got onto the Obamacare website very easily.” “Did you indeed? You better watch out. If it worked easily its got to be a fake site.”

“But this is Thanksgiving”, say’s I, “What should we give thanks for apart from our military heros and our veterans.” “Well, first, let’s thank God for America’s blessings, what little remain of them.
We still have our guns, our constitution and our faith. We are truly blessed that American’s are starting to wake up to the evil that is Obama. We are thankful that Obama, while he believes himself super intelligent, is inept enough to screw up everything he touches and expose it for everyone to see. That’s true transparency. We’re thankful that Obama’s media mouthpieces are received with such mounting disdain that their viewership is plummeting to democrat IQ levels.

We give thanks that Obama’s true character and lack of integrity was revealed with his lies on keeping our doctors and our health care plans. We are grateful that the murdered victims of Benghazi are not forgotten and we know that one day there will be a reckoning. We can thank God that democrat clumsiness has exposed their party to be the criminal enterprise we always suspected it to be. We can be thankful that our President’s foreign policy ineptness, by damaging our near-east allies, has actually worked to keep the muslim brotherhood Jihadist’s off balance and fighting amongst themselves. We can thank Egypt for its military. We can thank the Israeli Prime Minister for his perseverance in the face of Obama’s disdain for all thing Jewish, We can be grateful for Russian leader Putin’s statesmanship in foreign policy matters that saved America from becoming embroiled in another costly democrat war.

We cannot end our prayer of thanksgiving without including our few political heros, Darrell Issa for continuing to shine the light on Obama’s and Holders Fast and Furious crime, the IRS Spying scandal, and the latest offense to his character, the census bureau scandal that allowed him to lie again to ensure his re-election. We must be grateful for Senator’s. Cruz and Lee and their “damn the torpedo’s” attitude while pushing the GOP to do what’s right.

And finally, we should probably implore God to heed Saint Oprah’s advise but call home Harry Reid instead. He’s a pious man but now, his work is over and he should rest. Amen!
Remember, Freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Go get ‘em! (29 Nov 2013)

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