Fannin BOE Approves Tentative Budget and Millage Rate


Fannin County Board of Education met Friday to approve a tentative budge and millage rate for 2016 Fiscal year.

Mrs. Susan Holloway highlighted some of the expenditures in budget. She said the general fund included a 180 student day calendar and 190 teacher day calendar. She also mentioned an increase in local supplemental pay for all employees by 1%, raising the local supplement from 4% to 5%. This increase is possible because of extra state funds with a caveat to use it for raises or increase of the student day. The exception to this raise is for employees already receiving supplements, including coaches and department heads. Another item was increasing substitute teacher pay to $78.80 per day.

Superintendent Mark Henson said, “We’re having a hard time attracting substitutes. I think we can attract more substitutes and higher quality substitutes by doing this, because we’re really underpaying them.”

Ms. Holloway also reported on SPLOST. They were unable to fill positions for STEM Coordinator and a High school testing coordinator, but each school is getting $90,000 for STEM expenditures. These expenditures must meet STEM Curriculum requirements as well as SPLOST requirements. Other uses for SPLOST funds include 4 buses, cameras for buses, textbooks, about $3 million for facilities, and school nutrition equipment.

Holloway said, “The way this SPLOST Referendum was written is wonderful because it allows not only for Mr. Hubbard’s construction projects, but other needs that we have in the school system.”

Board Member Lewis Deweese pointed out that the money in the SPLOST account gains interest.

Susan Holloway reviews tentative Fiscal Year 2016 Budget with Board of Education

Susan Holloway reviews tentative Fiscal Year 2016 Budget with Board of Education

Holloway also gave a brief update of revenue streams. Holloway stated that the current millage rate of 12.9% would remain the same for the coming year and revenue from that source was expected to fall. However, other tax sources will be higher than expected. Also state funding will be higher, in part due to reclassification of students.

Henson noted, “We estimate that we would save $1.5 million this budget cycle by using SPLOST funds in those high designated areas of the general fund.” Holloway also noted that the tax commissioner’s office assesses a 2.5% fee on taxes collected for school system.

Holloway also pointed out that the budget was balanced and the general fund has increased $1 million over the previous year.

The board approved the tentative budget and millage rate for fiscal year 2016. The board will vote on final approval of the budget and millage rate at their coming meeting to be held at 5:30 pm on August 26. In addition, the board approved new staff. A list of approved staff can be found below.


Fannin Resignations August 2014

Fannin Budget 2016


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